Monday, February 13, 2012

The Mythical Bird....

So for those of you that have kids going to school in Kansas they most likely celebrated Kansas Day at school recently.  As part of Kansas Day at Ava's school they had to color Jayhawks and are told that because you were born in Kansas you are a "Jayhawker".  Ummm I'm sorry what?!  I have grown up in Kansas my entire life and never remember learning this in school.  When I think Kansas I think Buffalos and Sunflowers not Jayhawks, it's not even a real bird!! I relate the Jayhawk, or Chickenhawk as we like to call it, with Kansas University, not Kansas as a state.  We are die hard Kansas State fans and are slightly bothered by this part of the Kansas Day celebration.  Something about my daughter calling herself a Jayhawker makes my skin crawl.  When Ava came home with her Jayhawk I told her she should of at least colored it purple and she said she tried but was told she couldn't and had to color it red, blue and yellow....such the rule follower. 

The next day I received an email from my friend and fellow K-Stater Julie, her daughter Emma is friends with Ava and they are in the same class.  Apparently Emma refused to color the Jayhawk because she was a Wildcat not a Jayhawker.  Thatta girl!!  Because of Emma's stubbornness she got in quite a bit of trouble at school but she wasn't backing down.  I couldn't help but laugh.  Go Emma way to stand behind your school and your beliefs!!!  Since then the administration at K-State heard of Emma's story and they couldn't be prouder of Emma and her Wildcat Pride.  Tonight Emma will be featured as the Fan of The Game in Manhattan as the Wildcats take on the Jayhawks.  Only fitting right!!  Here is a link to Emma's mom's blog where she tells the story.  Though I can't be mad at Ava for following the rules I am so happy that she has a friend that has taught her to stand up for what she believes in!  EMAW!

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